Search Marketing Australia is an information resource for Australian digital marketing and web design professionals. Written by search marketing experts for search marketing experts, it’s a one-stop guide for the latest news in the online world.
We’re dedicated to building a collaborative environment within the Australian digital marketing arena and welcome guest submissions from like-minded professionals. If you live and breathe digital marketing as much as we do, have a read of our guidelines and submit your article below.
What We’re Looking For
We’re looking for well-researched content that’s either newsworthy or details areas of the digital marketing industry that are proving difficult for experts within the industry. For instance, we don’t want articles that tell us what SEO is, but we do want actionable tips on how to make processes like content outreach work on a large-scale.
We also want content that’s professional, but not stuffy. When writing for us, try to inject a bit of personality.
Some things we absolutely love:
- Social media, Facebook marketing, LinkedIn advertising, you name it, we want to hear about it
- Anything digital marketing related (as long as it’s relevant to an Australian audience). We’re talking Google AdWords, conversion rate optimisation, content marketing, local search, and even analytics
- Anything new and exciting in the world of Google. If there was a recent update, we want to hear about it
- All things to do with responsive web design, web hosting, and even content management systems
For a better idea of the type of content we do publish, please review our past work before you hit submit.
Guest Blog Submission Guidelines
- Articles must be written for an Australian audience and targeted primarily at Australian digital marketing professionals
- Any articles that are ‘spammy’ and self-promotional will NOT be published
- Article content should contain some personality
- Articles need to be a minimum of 500 words (unless it’s a brief news piece). We will accept posts that have a word count of 1,000 words as the maximum, and 300 as the minimum
- All content should be written using British/Australian English (not American English)
- All content should be written in the third person
- Please try to write catchy, snappy headings, and if possible, include a keyword
- We will not publish any written content that has been previously published elsewhere. However, we will consider any infographics that have already been posted elsewhere
- When quoting other sources or referencing any research or data, please link back to your original source and provide the full hyperlinks at the end of your article
- Please do not keyword stuff, we want any keyword usage to flow naturally with the text
- Please submit web-friendly content, with things like sub-headings dot points, short paragraphs and any relevant graphics
- If you provide any images or graphics with your text, please ensure that they are available for commercial re-use
- If your blog is published on Search Marketing Australia, please share it across your own social networks
Author Bio
If your content is selected for submission, we will provide an author bio at the bottom of the blog. For us to compile this, please provide the following:
- Your full name
- A brief author bio (up to 75 words)
- A headshot (preferably in a professional setting)
- A hyperlink to your business’s homepage or your own personal website
Editing Your Guest Blog Submissions
A member of our in-house content team will professionally edit any content that is accepted for publishing. These changes will be communicated to you, and nothing will be published until we receive approval from you to go ahead.
Rejected Guest Submissions
Submitting your content to us is not a guarantee that it will be accepted for publishing. We reserve the right to refuse any content on the following grounds:
- It’s self-promotional
- It does not meet our above-listed guidelines
- The information provided is inaccurate or falsified
- It is poorly written with excessive grammatical errors
- It’s not written for an Australian audience
How to Submit Your Guest Article
To submit your post, please email your author bio, headshot and completed article to
*By submitting your content, you acknowledge that you agree to the above-listed guidelines and that you are the original copyright holder of the work.